Thursday, April 21, 2011

Speed Up Your Morning Beauty Routine

I have to drive to the train station every morning. Getting dressed, feeding baby, changing baby, smiling and responding to baby's coos all while trying to keep to a schedule - is a TASK. Here are some things that work for me:

1. Make-up minimalism: 
Minimize the morning rush by paring down your makeup routine. Start with a good SPF moisturizer. Then apply a good-quality concealer under the eyes. If you wear foundation, try a cream-to-powder formula, which goes on quickly and smoothly (and do take the extra ten seconds to make sure you blend carefully).
Color? Yes, but keep it simple — choose a blush that can double as a pretty eyeshadow. Sweep on a quick coat of mascara, and lipgloss/lipstick, and you're set to face the world. Of course your biggest fan is probably nearby wondering, how you did all that in 5 minutes.

2. Keep the hair simple
A short haircut or sleek ponytail is a new mom's best friend. Bangs are great too. They can mask spots you missed with the liquid makeup on the forehead. Try putting in those velcro rollers as soon as you wake, and remove right before you head outside.

3. Night before prep
My friend swears by the "taking a shower the night before" technique. It works for her children. I'm slowly working my way into the practice. I DO know that mornings are not the time for long leisurely baths..... and don't even try to shave those legs then. Same goes for picking out an outfit. I had to work my way into this. I'm more of a "wing it outfit" kind a gal. But, having your outfit picked out and ironed....saves TONS of time. Dont forget the jewellery. You dont want to look ridiculous wearing a pruple top and blue earrings you had on, the day before do you?

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