Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baby Freaking Out? How to calm little one

 Last night, baby M freaked  out on me. After a long day of work, that's the last thing I needed. Got me to thinking about ways in which we can soothe crazed babies, quickly. I bribed her with food, but here are a few other options:

• Peekaboo:  Most babies can't get enough of the big surprise – here's Mommy! Mix it up by hiding behind your hands, a blanket, even a book; for more excitement, pop up above, below, and to the side of your hiding place.

• Song and dance: Pick one or do both, and rest assured that (tone deaf and/or klutzy) amateurs are most certainly welcome. Any old groove will do, as long as you engage your baby by picking her up and helping her join in the fun.

• Silly sounds: Who can resist that plump baby tummy or those pudgy toes -- and why should you even try? Plant a kiss on each adorable digit, or turn a kiss into a sensory sensation by making it a raspberry — a goofy noise, a puff of air, and a smooch from Mom, all rolled into one! (Um, does anyone really know why it's called a raspberry?)

Distract with food: Milk, purees, anything that baby likes. Watch out for choking episodes though.

• Funny faces: Stick out your tongue, fake an exaggerated sneeze, or give a big wink — any departure from the usual may just grab your baby's attention and even prompt a smile.

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