Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Relax Easy

Sleep deprived? Welcome to the working mother club. Try having a (co-sleeping -just for that night before you decide to lecture me) six month old with (granted self diagnosed after reading too much Webmd) RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME. Anywho, here are some tips for getting more slumber and restful moments.

Take breaks at work: They don't have to be long breaks. Just a few stolen moments in-between the daily tasks . Run to the restroom, hound the snack machine. Go outside for walk. Just a few minutes to calm and still the brain from sustained activity. Too tired to leave your desk? Just move your chair away from the computer and face the walls of your office or cubicle. (If you're worried about coworkers thinking you're slacking, hold some papers in your hands so you look like you're doing rather important things).

Break from your Daily Routine:Engage in something other than the daily routine. Do something meaningful and purposeful, you've been meaning to do. This will take your mind off the daily humdrum, and refocus your energies. Let's call it mental flossing. Listen to some music, put on headphones, close your eyes, and sip a cup of hot tea sweetened with some honey. Block out a few minutes for a mini-spa treatment,anything to distract you from thinking about life itself.

Block off One Day for Rest: This has biblical undertones, but it is still relevant. Identify one day on which you will do nothing but relax. Go to the park with the family, and just be. Sunday maybe?

Get a Massage:There's nothing more relaxing than an hour on the table in the hands of a professional massage therapist. Studies have shown repeatedly that a rubdown banishes worries while increasing serotonin and dopamine, hormones that make you feel happy and relaxed.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Streamline Your Workspace

Let's focus on the job for a minute. What does your workspace say about you? Your desk is a mess? Your inbox has unread messages from a year and a half ago? Some folks say that outer chaos, is reflective of inner chaos. How do you function? Do you have a working dysfunction? A chaotic system that somehow works? Is spring time. How about committing to clear the desk and electronic clutter, and streamline how you function at work? You have to make a commitment to yourself. Hey, maybe you'll find that file you've been looking for----for the past year!

Create (and use) TO DO lists: This is a resource that is grossly underused by many. Dutifully write down all that needs to be accomplished, then make lines through the accomplished tasks. Too old school for you? Try using the "tasks" feature in Outlook, to set detailed reminders, as well as alerts for when tasks ought to be completed, reports submitted, projects locked up etc.

Keep a file for each project that you are working on: Place important paperwork pertinent to that project in that folder. Alternatively, create folders within your e-mail application to save important e-mails. This way you know exactly where to find the information you need for each of the different projects you are working on.

File by category: Keep like files together, then sort alphabetically. For example, travel a lot? Keep all files related to each trip in one section of the file cabinet. Then, arrange them by date or alphabetical order.

To manage your e-mails, enlist the tools in your e-mail application. For example, you can choose to highlight e-mails, or color code them, that are from specific persons. Also use the flag an e-mail as a follow-up that will pop up on a certain date and time that you specify.

Purge, purge, purge: You knew this was coming. Why would you want to keep Travel and Expense receipts from 1999 anyway?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mother's Day Gift Guide

Well, the big day is approaching. Mother's day is of great significance to many mothers around the world. Some may downplay the eagerness with which they view the day, but for the most part, its viewed with excited anticipation. It has its origins in the pagan/god worship of Ancient Greece. The Greeks worshipped a god named Cybelle, thought to be the great mother of the Greek gods. According to Wikipedia,
In 1912,American Anna Jarvis trademarked the phrases "second Sunday in May" and "Mother's Day", and created the Mother's Day International Association.

Well whatever the reason, its a good thing. Here's a list of goodies any mother would appreciate (I've deliberately EXCLUDED money because its tacky - my mom's preference):

1.The latest best-selling book turned into hot movie. Try Water for Elephants by Algonquin books. Reese Witherspoon ( a beautiful mommy) really works this role.

Since you're in a generous mood, why not try an e-reader.  Try the Kindle or the Coby Kryos, with Wi-Fi. They both retail for about $139.00, feature wi-fi, and the Kryos is connected to the android market. Too cool!

2. A photobook from Shutterfly. How about that? Turn those myriad of digital images of mom and you, mom and baby, mom and mom, into a photobook. Show it off to friends and family when they come over. Go ahead. Bore them to tears, but she will be proud!But wait there's more. Shutterfly is currently offering a 30% discount on all 12x12 photo books, using discount code BOOK30. Tre cool. While you're there, how about a mug, where mom can show-off her baby's mug?

Bath & Body Works Signature Collection Sweet Pea Gift Set 2 Oz Travel Size; Mist, Shower Gel, Body Lotion, Bubble Bath & Liplicious Sheer Cotton Candy Lip Gloss.3. Aromatherapy. That says it all. Buy her something sweet smelling thats not perfume. Perfumed lotion anyone? Try Bath and Body Works, for the fragrance minded gal. How about Burt's Bees for the earth friendly gal?  Or try a lovely scented candle, that she can light while she enjoys her bath that she's gonna draw with her Bath and Body Works stuff.

4. Good old gift card. This is especially appropriate for the mom who lives far away, or who wouldn't appreciate any of the above because she is so fixated on money. How about a spafinder gift card? It can be used at participating spas and salons. Hey, maybe she'll treat you for a manicure with it, when you go for a visit. Or for the shopaholic, try her fave store: Marshalls, TJ Maxx or even Lowes anyone?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cool Mist Humidifier

This is your friend.

Using a cool mist humidifier, in winter in baby's room works wonders. Baby's skin isn't itchy or dried out due to excessive heat.

It's main purpose though, is to reduce coughing and congestion. Try this extremely cool version by Vicks, called the Starry Night Humidifier. The humidifier comes equipped with a projector that illuminates stars onto the ceiling. This is sure to soothe and distract. It retails for about $40.00

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Speed Up Your Morning Beauty Routine

I have to drive to the train station every morning. Getting dressed, feeding baby, changing baby, smiling and responding to baby's coos all while trying to keep to a schedule - is a TASK. Here are some things that work for me:

1. Make-up minimalism: 
Minimize the morning rush by paring down your makeup routine. Start with a good SPF moisturizer. Then apply a good-quality concealer under the eyes. If you wear foundation, try a cream-to-powder formula, which goes on quickly and smoothly (and do take the extra ten seconds to make sure you blend carefully).
Color? Yes, but keep it simple — choose a blush that can double as a pretty eyeshadow. Sweep on a quick coat of mascara, and lipgloss/lipstick, and you're set to face the world. Of course your biggest fan is probably nearby wondering, how you did all that in 5 minutes.

2. Keep the hair simple
A short haircut or sleek ponytail is a new mom's best friend. Bangs are great too. They can mask spots you missed with the liquid makeup on the forehead. Try putting in those velcro rollers as soon as you wake, and remove right before you head outside.

3. Night before prep
My friend swears by the "taking a shower the night before" technique. It works for her children. I'm slowly working my way into the practice. I DO know that mornings are not the time for long leisurely baths..... and don't even try to shave those legs then. Same goes for picking out an outfit. I had to work my way into this. I'm more of a "wing it outfit" kind a gal. But, having your outfit picked out and ironed....saves TONS of time. Dont forget the jewellery. You dont want to look ridiculous wearing a pruple top and blue earrings you had on, the day before do you?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Save More Money- Coupons and Deals Redux!

I got a few inquiries about where else to find coupon deals. Here are a few more resources, which I have tested and tried:

Popular websites

Register at for the Parent Pages email newsletters and you'll also receive coupons and info on promotions for Pampers and other Proctor & Gamble products. Try the Gifts to Grow program, where you enter codes posted on products. Accumulated points yield free stuff.

Sign up for the Strong Moms program at for news on special promotions.

Enroll in Enfamil Family Beginnings at to receive newsletters and coupons.

Go to or call customer service at 1-800-284-9488 to sign up for the Start Healthy, Stay Healthy program and receive a quarterly magazine and coupons.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Save Money Grocery Shopping

Yes, yes. Its a hassle at times, but coupons WORK. I get most of mine from the Sunday paper.

1. Comb store circulars and compare weekly specials to coupons you already have and save even more. Buy items on sale, combined with the coupon, and stock up. I don't have to buy paper towels for the next six months.

2. Buy in bulk. In my experience, BJ's wholesale club is the best. I purchase baby M's diapers, formula and baby purees there. I use BJ's in store coupons, in combination with manufacturer's coupons. Its very cost effective. For example. Just this past weekend, I purchased two containers of Similac Advance. I used three BJ's coupons, as well as two manufacturer coupons. That took a whopping....wait for it.... $23.00 off the bill! I kid you not. See the receipt attached. (It was raining on Saturday people-hence the crumpled look.

3. Expired manufacturer coupons? Don't throw them out! Send them to participating military bases where they will be honored up to six months after. Search online for addresses of participating bases.

4. Organize your coupons in a small pocket organizer. Sort by month, or shopping category. (groceries, household goods, cleaning supplies, baby etc)

5. Look online for coupons at sites like and, which are updated often. Print coupons from several stores from this site:

6. Wait until you have a few coupons for new ingredients before trying a recipe for the first time to avoid impulse shopping.

7. Have coupons you don't need? Get a basket in the 99 cent store, and fill it with them. Then drop it off at your baby's pediatrician. Others could use them. I bet you'll start a movement.

Happy Shopping! Happy saving!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Now, if you are like me, no current salary level is ever enough. My first job right out of college, had me earning $22,000.00 and I thought it was a LOT of mula. Flash forward 11 years later, earning much more....its still not enough, but on paper, earning more makes one feel more financially secure. 

I managed to negotiate a little raise last fall. Here are some tips:

1. Work harder AND smarter: See the big picture, and stay two steps ahead of your manager. Volunteer to undertake projects you wouldn't otherwise have done. Stay late if you can. Take on roles others will not. Make yourself indispensable. Make your manager take notice of your "stellar" efforts.

2. Ask: This is most obvious, but many people do not, especially women - who might think we might come across as aggressive and desperate. If YOU dont ask, then who will? Make bulleted points, make graphs, a pie chart, present your contributions to the organization in a professional succint manner. Show how your efforts have benefitted your company in a positive way (cashflow, cost savings, efficiency etc.) I place emphasis on the format to be in writing - this gives management something tangible to review. So accompany your speech (that you rehearsed in the bathroom mirror for hours) with your proof on paper.

3. Tout your successes over time: In day to day conversations with management, subltley drop hints of your work, work ethic and accomplishments. Mention that "so and so" project was completed. Someone asked you to work on something that adds value to the company? Tout it. Drop hints so that they have knowledge of it. Self-promote. A coworker called you for assistance, ensure that your manager knows that you ran to the rescue. A client sends you a complimentary note? Respond with a thank you, and cc your manager. These things add up.

4. Negotiate: So your efforts are finally realized and the conversation has begun? Negotiate. Dont just settle for that. Gague the atmosphere, ask for more. Suggest that your job descrip be amended to add "so and so" responsibility, for an additonal 5% increase. They can't do it all at once? Ask that the raise be broken up. Half in this quarter, the rest in the next, after they have observed you in your new capacity. It gives them time to assess their investment, and you more time to show-off.

Its not difficult folks. If you are confident within yourself that you deserve that salary adjustment, go for it. The only person who knows your true worth, is YOU.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baby Freaking Out? How to calm little one

 Last night, baby M freaked  out on me. After a long day of work, that's the last thing I needed. Got me to thinking about ways in which we can soothe crazed babies, quickly. I bribed her with food, but here are a few other options:

• Peekaboo:  Most babies can't get enough of the big surprise – here's Mommy! Mix it up by hiding behind your hands, a blanket, even a book; for more excitement, pop up above, below, and to the side of your hiding place.

• Song and dance: Pick one or do both, and rest assured that (tone deaf and/or klutzy) amateurs are most certainly welcome. Any old groove will do, as long as you engage your baby by picking her up and helping her join in the fun.

• Silly sounds: Who can resist that plump baby tummy or those pudgy toes -- and why should you even try? Plant a kiss on each adorable digit, or turn a kiss into a sensory sensation by making it a raspberry — a goofy noise, a puff of air, and a smooch from Mom, all rolled into one! (Um, does anyone really know why it's called a raspberry?)

Distract with food: Milk, purees, anything that baby likes. Watch out for choking episodes though.

• Funny faces: Stick out your tongue, fake an exaggerated sneeze, or give a big wink — any departure from the usual may just grab your baby's attention and even prompt a smile.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Baby Christening

Baby M got christened yesterday. She was well behaved and didnt cry not once. No stranger anxiety there. The highlight of the day was my decor for the repast at home afterward. Turned out beautifully. See pics (once I post them).

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reading Rainbow

Am I telling my age by the fact that I remember this tv show? Is it also horrid that I remember that the host was the "blind" guy from Star Trek and I was throughly CONFUSED by his ability to not only read but also to look directly into the camera????

Anywhoo. Reading to your baby is good. Eating a whole box of girl scout cookies is bad. Here are some tips:
  • Types: Sturdy board books that baby can chew on, turn around, and otherwise manipulate. Its gets even better when baby can participate in the process by touching and feeling the pages. Your baby also might like splashing with a vinyl book in the bathtub. Illustrations or photos should be simple (no complicated, overwhelming backgrounds), bright, and familiar: household items, animals, things that go, and especially other babies. How about a photo album of baby? My little girl loves this activity. (Early signs of narcissim? Should I be alarmed?) As for the words, they should be simple, too, so that you can keep the pages turning quickly. Books with lilts and intonations, sing song, rhyming are great also. Babies love that predictability of tone.  

  • Talk up a storm:  You can engage baby with lots of ad libs and inserted commentary in an appealing and animated tone. Add silly voices and animal sounds. Yes, you will sound like a dork, but who cares? Baby loves that. Read often, slipping in stories whenever baby alert but calm. Try after meals, before naps, during or after a bath, and at bedtime.
  • Set an example:You will show your baby that reading is fun by doing it yourself. Let baby see you enjoying a book or magazine; you can even read aloud from whatever you are reading.  The words aren't as important as your enthusiasm for them. Any exposure to reading helps him learn how books work and builds vocabulary. 

    Right now I am reading this book called Animals, by Xavier Deneux to baby M. Its her favorite. Its a simple book of animals with just the names of the animals on the page, as well as clever peep holes. I ad lib a lot, by adding in the animal sounds. She loves it!

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    Constipated Baby

    She no likey. She was miserable and so uncomfortable, and I felt so helpless, because it appeared that I couldn't do anything about it.

    What worked: 

    *Gerber fruit puree`- prune and pear
    *Prune juice - diluted
    *Baby suppositories courtesy of my sister-in-law

    What would have worked had I the good sense to try it:
    *Warm bath and massage
    *Thermometer with tip dipped in vaseline to free up goo
    * Water substitured for formula

    Egads! Five days was a long time. She was relieved and so was I.

    Friday, April 1, 2011

    Five Quick Home Improvement Tasks You Can Do Now

    1. De-clutter
    Never underestimate the power of a good clean up. Sort, stack, fold dust, wash, and dispose of. Well I'm already way ahead on this one, because I threw away a bunch of stuff before moving into this house. Plus I'm the "throw it out" expert, in general. However, one can never be too careful. Remember: clutter has a way of sneaking up on you, much like body fat.

    2. Paint
    Put some color on those blah beige walls in the: bathroom, entrance and dining room. In my case it'll be my dining area (not room- the house is that tiny). Color swatches to follow. You can do one wall, with a bold color if you don't want to commit to an entire room of red walls. That's just plain maddening.

    3. Lighting
    Go for something whimsical. How about about a yard sale find, or something repurposed like a lamp shade? I'd like to put a pretty girly chandelier in baby M's room. Also, change out that cheesey lighting fixture in the dining area.

    4. Hardware
    Get rid of those dated buiIder grade finishes. Istarted changing out the brass door handles for more of a rust finish.You can also change the hardware on your kitchen cabinets.

    5. Proper Drainage around the house
    This spring, how about assessing your home's propensity for flooding? How about adding some simple french drains?

    I plan on doing all these things if it ever stops snowing, raining and sleeting.

    New World

    I feel like Christopher Columbus must have felt. I'm in unchartered waters, following some stars (signs from the universe)...except there is no Queen to scrounge for gold for, I have access to running water, and I'm not getting seasick. Well maybe I'm  not quite like him, but I am a new mom to a four month old, and I DO have to work. I'm also someone's wife.

    I don't think I'm particulary good at any of these roles, because I march to the beat of my own drum, and do not follow society's norms. Nevertheless, I will share my experience at navigating these worlds with you. Hang on, you're in for a crazy ride.