Monday, May 2, 2011

Streamline Your Workspace

Let's focus on the job for a minute. What does your workspace say about you? Your desk is a mess? Your inbox has unread messages from a year and a half ago? Some folks say that outer chaos, is reflective of inner chaos. How do you function? Do you have a working dysfunction? A chaotic system that somehow works? Is spring time. How about committing to clear the desk and electronic clutter, and streamline how you function at work? You have to make a commitment to yourself. Hey, maybe you'll find that file you've been looking for----for the past year!

Create (and use) TO DO lists: This is a resource that is grossly underused by many. Dutifully write down all that needs to be accomplished, then make lines through the accomplished tasks. Too old school for you? Try using the "tasks" feature in Outlook, to set detailed reminders, as well as alerts for when tasks ought to be completed, reports submitted, projects locked up etc.

Keep a file for each project that you are working on: Place important paperwork pertinent to that project in that folder. Alternatively, create folders within your e-mail application to save important e-mails. This way you know exactly where to find the information you need for each of the different projects you are working on.

File by category: Keep like files together, then sort alphabetically. For example, travel a lot? Keep all files related to each trip in one section of the file cabinet. Then, arrange them by date or alphabetical order.

To manage your e-mails, enlist the tools in your e-mail application. For example, you can choose to highlight e-mails, or color code them, that are from specific persons. Also use the flag an e-mail as a follow-up that will pop up on a certain date and time that you specify.

Purge, purge, purge: You knew this was coming. Why would you want to keep Travel and Expense receipts from 1999 anyway?